Gracing the Walls at Jaypee, Mussourie

The vibrant colors and the imposing size has always accentuated the experience of witnessing Kumar’s work in all joint shows. Amongst one latest group exhibition of paintings mention may be made of the one organized by an independent artists’ association, Kala Aayam at Jaypee Residency Manor, Mussourie. Inaugurated by the eminent literary figure Mr. Ruskin…

A One- Man Show at ICCR, Delhi

A recent landmark of his creative journey – An Artist’s Diary Kumar’s solo painting exhibition held at ICCR’s Azad Bhavan  Art Gallery, New Delhi has been a very successful one-man show. Titled – An Artist,s Diary, it was inaugurated by the Director General of the Council at the  Azad Bhavan Art Gallery in December 2012…


To be in the process of constant learning it is always important to seek the opinions of others – be it positive or negative. With this objective Kumar always showcased his work from time to time. In India Kumar’s first one-man show was held by Indo-French Centre, Dehra Dun in 1970. The original art ‘She(1968)’…

Leaving my Land

Learning cannot confine itself to any boundaries and when he realized this Kumar decided to leave his country and widen his perspective In 1968 Kumar left India for U.K to pursue at High Wycombe College of Technology and Art, an advanced training which was to include abstract painting, sculpture and ceramics. His teachers there were…

The Gurus

A good teacher can teach his pupil to correctly perceive and then learning comes as an experience. Kumar was fortunate to have such gurus. His teachers there were mainly Nandlal Bose and Ram Kinkar Baij. Although by that time Bose had retired from his post of the Principal of Kala Bhavan, yet Kumar was keen…

Early Days

Kumar’s early association with art was never an intended one but he was always drawn towards creativity in all its forms, as that was his destiny to be… Kumar was born at Chanduasi, a place near Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh in the year 1941. He grew up in a household of creativity, strict discipline but…

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